Tutoring & Test Prep

Complimentary 20-Minute ​Consultation

Consult one-on-one with CAC Founder Nena Malhotra to learn more about CAC’s expert academic tutoring services and determine whether they’re right for your family.

Required for all prospective students.

Required for all prospective students.

Basic Tutoring

Standard Level Classes

One-on-one tutoring tailored to address each student’s weaknesses and/or cultivating their strengths, all with an eye to developing study skills and maintaining a competitive GPA.

Hourly: $85

10-Hours: $800

20-Hours: $1,500

Advanced Tutoring

AP, Honors, and IB-Level, and College Classes

One-on-one tutoring tailored to address each student’s weaknesses and cultivating their strengths while preparing for any standardized assessments (AP, IB) the course may involve.

Hourly: $95

10-Hours: $900

20-Hours: $1,700

Standardized Test Prep


Studies show that the only significant test score increases occur when a student has worked one-on-one with a tutor. CAC offers expert one-on-one test-prep tailored to each students’s needs.

5 Hours: $800

10 Hours: $1,500

20 Hours: $2,800